rest of the week was spent in the officer's mess doing the post CO COC parade reception... lol ended up playing pool, foosball and chatting with jaslyn from AOH! haha cos i last sat at ps i saw her there so i decided to drop her a msg via friendster lo... yeah so anyways, fri was the big day... the reception went quite well and alot of the senior officers got pretty drunk... ended up drinking 3 cans, 1 for losing a game at pool, another was my own can for the new CO and the other was my 2IC's one cos she's driving and driving me home somemore... hahaha
Sat went to the new terminal 3! OMG so BIG! took lotsa pics... scroll down to see them... hahaha then had dinner there and then went to ps to watch lars with the guys... walao... another sucky show! SIANZ! should have watched the kingdom or enchanted... haiz... oh wells... sun was supposed to meet andrew at expo for church but overslept... :X so paiseh... oh wells 5 more days till i leave for HONG KONG!!!! WOOHOO!!! yeah like everyone is going to HK these days... first dawn yang then xia xue... hahaha me next! :P
November 25, 2007
Don't let anyone -- friends, family, coworkers or anyone else -- nail you down to specifics, if possible. You need to keep your options open, though that might be a bit hard by the end of the day.
Like a stained glass window in a Gothic church, the many colors and components of who you are right now are coming together to create something quite breathtaking. You are completing a growth phase and moving away from a time of great confusion and toward a clearer, simpler way of being. Whether you realize it or not, you have created a strong philosophy that is informing your choices. Congratulations on your progress and do not fear memories of what you have been through.
Just when you think you've figured this one out, they change the rules of the game. That's okay for you right now because you're flexible and ready for anything. Roll with the punches and keep your options open. This could be fabulous.
November 26, 2007
Your heart is drawn to music today -- but not just through your iPod. It could be bird songs, highway noise or all sorts of other kinds of sounds that put you in a more spiritual frame of mind.
The problem with showing off is that sometimes in the course of strutting your stuff, you can trip and fall flat on your face! So take acclaim or praise with a great deal of caution and humility today. Your outward image is very important to manage well, because you are under a certain amount of scrutiny from very powerful people. Act with grace and charm whenever you can, especially if you are under pressure. Someone may be testing your mettle. You pass easily if you just stay smiling.
Sometimes opposites don't attract. In fact, you may find comfort in someone just like you. If you're feeling too much incongruence with a potential love interest, move on. This relationship may not overcome the strain of such different values.
11/26/2007 - 12/02/2007
Monday and Tuesday are awesome. Romance is in the air, and so is a little music. Is that in your head? Is that piped in from somewhere? Whatever the case, you feel like you're in a movie about someone who's happy. You're light on your feet. Wednesday and Thursday, you're brought back to the real world by someone who insists on waving their hand in front of your face. You're such a romantic, imagining your life with you-know-who while there's work to be done. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, relationships -- romantic and platonic -- are in the stars. Help a pal out.
You're totally worship-worthy (even more so than usual!) as the week begins. If you're coupled up, your sweetie should really be appreciating you; singletons, now's an excellent time to add to your fan club, so hop online or get out and about. Look out for a 'too much information' situation on Wednesday or Thursday -- confidences are great, but some personal stuff is only for the closest of friends. Know when to keep quiet and ask someone else to do the same! This weekend, the stars suggest the following: Instead of wondering, why not ask?