Saturday, August 30, 2008


COMEX!!! yes once again its the one and only COMEX!!! hahaha so thurs i met up with my bro at city hall mrt... then we went to have lunch at NYDC... theres an offer for DBS/POSB card holders of a 1 for 1 lunch set offer. only valid from sun to thurs thou... and from 12 to 5pm i think... but its really worth the money to go have lunch there la... so we both had baked rice sets... spent less than $20 for lunch sia... haha

yeah so after that we went for COMEX fair... killing 2 birds with 1 stone... getting my bro's lappy and also getting all the brochures of laptop makers for his school project... haha after like several hours, we narrowed it down to the sony vaio SR12 and the asus F6V...

$2199 VS $2014
1.88kg VS 2.25kg
200GB VS 320GB
~4hr battery life VS ~3hr battery life
GMA 4500MHD VS ATI Mobility Radeon HD3470

in terms of specs, the asus is a friggin powerful com for that price. just that its about 400g heavier and thicker and not as sleek looking design as the sony. so my brand and looks conscious bro went for the sony... haha but we got more freebies than the asus la... 4GB microvault thumbdrive, targus headphones, carrying case and a mouse. not too bad la...

yeah so after that i went to buy a philips 6" digital photoframe for $99. after buying it i bumped into siqi! haha man i met alot of ppl there as well la... my 2 understudy and a whole lot of other ppl...

Philips  PhotoFrame 5.6" LCD 6FF3FPW/00

then after that i went to buy a Maxtor OneTouch™ 4 Plus 1TB!!! woohoo!!! 1TB BABY!!!

yeah man... so now im backing up all my stuff... taking ages man... haha -_-ZzZ

so yesterday i went to velocity and bought a pair of New Balance running shoes. 902RC which is almost as light as my adizero but more support i feel... with staff discount of 40%!!! haha so it only cost me $75 from the usual $125. orange and black colour somemore... cool sia... hahaha

then after that i went to comex again to change the digital photoframe cos it was missing the stand and AC adapter... haha after that i went to redeem the free luggage from planet traveler cos if you spend $2500 in 3 reciepts at comex with UOB credit card, you get a luggage. yeah so after that i met up with darling for dinner at astons at the cathay. another cheap and good place to eat. super filling too! so darling had the black pepper fish with corn and coleslaw. i had the crispy fried chicked with pasta salad and potato salad. YUMMY! hahaha yeah so then after dinner we went to the adidas store and played some foosball... darling is getting better already... haha can score a few goals le... haha yeah so then we took some pictures of the F1 car at the lobby... damn i cant watch the singapore F1 race cos my school starts on the same day!!! argh... anyways we headed back to my place cos i was still dragging the luggage around and its kinda troublesome to fetch her back first. so instead my dad drove her back cos its still 7th month and im still not really allowed to drive at night... only the day with dad's supervision... haha

so a little update for the past week... last sunday darling came over to my place and we made 2 non baked cheesecakes! hahaha i think i finally remembered my old recipe... haha i think the ingredients are:

Ingredients for the Base
- 1 big tube of digestive biscuits pounded quite finely
- 120g of butter
- 2 tbs of sugar

Ingredients for the Cheese
- 1 bar of Philadelphia cream cheese
- 1 can of Nestle cream
- 3 tbs of sugar
- 400ml of water
- 1 packet of konnyaku jelly powder

i feel like adding another layer of agar jelly on the top of the cheese layer... then it'll be like jelly hearts! hahaha

monday we went to the singapore flyer and had lunch at popeyes... then we went to watch death race at marina square... the show was so so la... though it was kinda cool to have a show like twisted metal... hahaha

after the movie we had dinner at bakerzin at suntec city. another set offer of bread, drinks, soup of the day and a main course for $13+++

PS darling thank you for doo doo and the wallet. I love u!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


feeling sad...
must be lack of endorphines...
feeling fat...
havent been running for the past 2 months already...
feels like i've been hit by a bus...
mind in a whirl with so many things going through my head...
feel like crying...
shows that i've got functional lacrimal glands...
feeling tired... i don't want to cycle anymore if you are not cycling with me.

Monday, August 18, 2008


so fri darling went to see the doc and stayed home so no patoh... instead we ended up watching the semi-finals of the women's team table tennis match of Singapore VS Korea... man it was a heart attack match sia... haha in the end Singapore won and thus will get at least a silver for the olympics... cool sia... maybe can get public holiday... haha then at night heman n nelson camped over at my place for some hunting again... haha damn i think my analogue stick is getting wonky... too much monster hunter damages ur psp's analogue stick... haha

yeah so sat went to centrepoint with darling... had lunch at cuppage... shared ramen, fried rice and funky potato which is fries with chicken chunks in sweet and spicy sauce... yeah so after that we walked over back to centrepoint and went to see that super messy shop... seems like they made it much more tidy this time... but still... i think its messy... haha yeah so after that we went to harvey norman and browsed at some digi cams... initially was thinking of getting the samsung L110 at $199... but decided to look around some more... so after that we went to PS and there was a best denki sale... so i went to see more digi cams... so there was an offer for the casio EX Z80 at $349 but was now at $299... lots more freebies like 1 yr international warranty, 2X 4GB SD cards, 2 batteries, mini tripod, card reader, screen protector and a case... haha damn... impulse buying sia... haha ended up getting the light blue one... chi sia... haha n so now i got 3X 4GB SD cards le... haha im gonna just record lectures le... whip out the tripod n record! haha

sun went to ps again and did more hunting... haha then rushed home to watch the table tennis finals... singapore kena OWNED by China sia... if it was a dota game it would go "HOLY SHIT! OWNING~~~" hahaha but still it was a silver medal... not as much of a heart attack match as the korea one... but more of a china vs china match... haha ya foreign imports ma... which will be addressed tonight by the PM... haha so many complaints on the gahmen... i also got sia... what to do... we only good for complain n complain but no action... reminds me so much of NS... when me, mok, rusty n chee han were all abused by the fucking derrick wong chee bye... who was the only one that took action? me... now labeled as "Captain Killer" with i think 4 captains to date... liew, tiang, ball carrier and dys3... haha oh well if you're lousy, u don't deserve the respect and you don't deserve to feel high and mighty... cos i'll bring you down to earth with a crash... so don't fly so high if you cant take the fall you mother fuckers... stop thinking its an iron ricebowl and you can feed off tax payer's money...

more of my complaints... haha

people working in the gahmen like clerks etc... fuck your attitude... its also not an iron ricebowl... cbs...

cyclists on the road... they don't pay road tax and cycle as if they own the road and as if i owe them a living cos they cycle... especially the fucking ang mohs... nb... so healthy JOG TO WORK LA! CB get knocked down SERVES YOU RIGHT... deserve to die... then they suka suka they are like cars... then suka suka red light, then become pedestrian... fuckers... should make bikers pay heavily for these crimes...

drivers on the road who dim their fucking headlights to save fuel... fuck u! i think they are like brain dead or something... lemme explain... the energy that generates the headlights does not come from petrol... unless your car is a generator... put in fuel and convert electricity... MORON! its the dynamos when your car moves... most prob in the tyres... generate the power to be stored into the car battery... simple case would be leaving your lights on for the whole day when the car is parked in the garage and it cant start even with a full tank of gas... see my point... DUMB SHITS... well maybe they are not... cos if they get into a serious car crash and die, thay way they dun have to drive anymore thus saving on petrol! or if they manage to survive and become bed-ridden, they also dun have to drive anymore! so clever! so then just off the damn headlights instead la! should make some law to make it mandatory to have the headlights at some brightness... say X candela or something

gahmen contradicting policies... gahmen wan us to become baby factory... make more baby... spend more time with family... then they come say new public transport fees... change bus better so cheaper... direct bus service is luxury so paymore... so when u go to work by public transport... u got either direct bus service that is more ex or can choose to change bus many many times and waste time but cheaper... lets say 1) u wanna save time... so more ex... so less money to support a kid... or 2) save money so leave house earlier... less time to make baby/spend quality time with family... or if you drive to work... now alot of ERP all over the shop... neighbourhood road also have... so either go early to not pay ERP or go later n pay ERP... same case as above... its like the ppl who make these policies never talk to the other party... just act on own accord... contradicting or not? must be skolar la... all the skolar and their weird idea... always too high up above the clouds... how to see whats going on on the ground? see through crystal ball lo... hahaha

oh well... just watch the speech tonight n see how lo... hope got 1 day holiday... hahaha

Thursday, August 14, 2008


sat was national day... went out with darling to ikea for lunch... walked around ikea cos darling wanted to buy a box to keep her stuff... couldnt find a nice design that she liked... haha... then after that we walked over to anchorpoint for some shopping... anchorpoint has a few "outlet" shops so its good for budget shopping... haha yeah so after that we went to city hall and had early dinner at soup spoon... then we walked over to marina square and squeezed through the crowd just to get a decent spot to watch the F16 fly around and to watch the fireworks... gahmen give free show must watch ma... hahaha yeah it was quite nice i would say... so after that we made our way to esplanade... should i say TRIED to make our way there... cos it was friggin blocked off thanks to the road block... wtf... like the whole esplanade was isolated la! idiotic planners... dunno what are they thinking... tried all methods to go to the esplanade la... NB... ended up walking for a whole hour and back to the same spot... so we gave up and went back to the mrt station instead... send her home then luckily managed to catch the last bus back home...

sunday went to centrepoint to buy some winter clothes for UK... then as we were going back to the car park, we saw this shop selling ladies shoes... 70% off storewide... WTF its like 100 times worse than my room la! hahaha i wonder how to find ur size sia...

monday went to AMK hub to watch journey to the centre of the earth with my brother and sister and darling... my parents went to watch money no enough 2... wow the crowd was CRAZY!!! omg... luckily we had the UOB platimun card so can cut the queue abit... man... watching movies at the heartlands is a crazy thing to do... worse still is its kinda like a public holiday too... oh wells the movie was quite nice... just alot of CG thou... so after that we had dinner at ichiban boshi then after that we drove darling back home before heading home as well...

tuesday darling came over to my place and studied for her FTT then yesterday i went over her place also to help her out with her FTT...

haha yeah so today is our 6th month... and today darling has fallen sick... down with a sore throat... but still she went for her FTT... and she passed! i'm so happy for u darling! so after that we had lunch nearby then went back to her place cos she was still sick... darling did some facial on me and then played dai dee for awhile before i headed back home for dinner...

anyways just a notice that i'll be having a farewell BBQ party on the 13th of September 6pm at 118 pasir ris road... its opposite pasir ris park... take bus 403 from pasir ris bus interchange and stop at the bus stop opposite unit 104... yeah so msg me early if ur coming ya... got to prep man...

Monday, August 04, 2008


so i just finished working for 3 weeks with darling at DBS doing 2 projects... so i've made myself $1275 in 3 weeks... haha thats better than NS pay man! hahaha yeah so i guess school has started for many... i've still got 8 more weeks... must mug, n prep all my stuff, pack all my gear and spend more time with darling... haiz...

yeah so watched a couple of movies lately... batman, red cliff, x files and mummy 3

Batman was really good like what everyone said... the joker was the main character and batman was just his sidekick... haha

Red Cliff was FUCKED UP!!! read... FUCKED UP!!! FUCKING DRAGGY, FUCKING BORING, FUCKING WASTE TIME, FUCKING WASTE MONEY!!! Takeshi Kaneshiro was gay-ish, Tony Leung was only good in bed but the scene was cut off as usual, Lin Chi-Ling wasn't even present on screen even though the camera captured her, Zhao Wei's eyeballs looked like they were gonna just pop right out if someone had slapped her behind her head just hard enough... kao i dun need to go on la... in short... its just FUCKED UP... oh ya its only RED CLIFF EPISODE 1 btw... WTF!!! U THINK U GONNA EAT MY MONEY WITH EPISODE 2??? FUCK U!!!

X files... another waste money film... NB... dun even bother asking...

Mummy 3 was decent at the least... though the ang mo actors should really just quit trying to speak chinese... cos u guys sound like shit...

yeah so anyways i've got alot to mug and lots of stuff to pack n buy... somemore i gotta plan a party cos darling's dad managed to get a company bungalow! haha mahjong all nite long man!!! haha hmmm better start planning the guest list n then the food... ARGH!

haha yeah so anyways sat nite heman n nel came over to my place to stay over n play MH2... cos we were so gian after killing our group's first black fatalis...we set our sights even higher... haha white fatalis... of course red fatalis is easier but is more unpredictable compared to white... but after a whole night of tries, we failed... but the next day when we woke up, we decided 1 more try, n woohoo! our 2nd fatalis! hahaha damn i'm gonna miss out on MH2G... i shall not bring my PSP over to Portsmouth anyway... haha must focus on mugging! hahaha