Sunday, July 30, 2006
BOOKOUT!!! 7th MONTH... :S
WOOHOO! out finally... this whole week has been CRAZY!!! so damn shagged... everyday doing ET run, den got IPPT cat test... managed to get 14 pts... kinda little... but compared to the rest should be alot ba... :P hahaha coughing like mad too... this whole week in tekong no cat 1... FUCK SIA! den fri train in the rain somemore... cos no thunder so can resume training... __ but nvm la... lotsa shit happened... like a heli-evac for some guy in orion coy whom i heard was digging trench den went into fits... some ppl say he was pushing something away... if u noe wad i mean... somemore it was a thurs nite... digging trench thru a thurs nite during u-noe-wad-month... siaoness sia... :S ah well... i too heard foot shuffling sounds in the bunk on fri nite... so did a few others... my buddy still the best... wake up n see nothing but when he went back to slp, the sounds resumed... O_O hahaha but wait! theres more! hahaha the 5th floor has a "dog" that cant be found in the day but always apears after lights out... :S and this only happened recently... hahahaha k better not say anymore le... save the best for last... HAHAHA! jkjk
Sunday, July 23, 2006
LOL... went shopping again wor... met up with sc den walked around orchard... looking for a nice belt... too bad cant find one so far... :( lol den went to suntec n kachiao bh at the exhibition... :P den more shopping at suntec den to marina... den went for dinner at waraku! yummy! lol off to camp... sianz... :S
Saturday, July 22, 2006
HAHAHA!!! went shopping like crazy today... zara 50% sale!!! bought a pair of jeans n a long sleeved orange shirt... hahaha shiok sia! gss rocks! lol den walked to wisma n browsed around... den taka... bumped into mekko n her bf n bro... hahaha still looking small n petit as ever... :P haha den walked over to heeren... den paragon... den lido to watch pirates... nice show sia!!! captain jack sparrow!!! hahaha suck a cool fella... love tt attitude man... den shopped at isetan... bought a deuter chalk bag n nike dri fit t-shirt... :P man i spent alot today... spent like $100+ sia hahaha
Friday, July 21, 2006
WOOHOO!!! i survived 7 days of field camp!!! hahaha n now im 70kg!!! hahaha n now im up to 5 pullups outta nowhere too!! lol so yeah field camp was really fun... took lotsa pics too! hahaha but havent got them from my buddy... prolly i'll post it up when i get them... lol
1st day
route march with FBO 6.6k to permatang... damn heavy... at least 25kg sia... den reached camp site... set up barsha plus dig drainage... fucking shagged... den had lunch field rations... the pasta was ok la... den had lecture... den cat 1!! haha slack in barsha... :D lecture again den dinner n powder bath... den slp in barsha wif 3 ppl... damn crammed... by rite should be 2 ppl per barsha plus 2 rifles, 2 field packs n 2 sbo... so now its 3 ppl, 3 rifles, 3 field packs n 3 sbos... damn crammed la...
day 2
breakfast... i found a can of tuna... yes tuna! in my pack... lol tuna never tasted this good... lol... den more lectures, n practicals on wad we learnt... so we learnt with our section... with our seccom serg aragon... omg... it was HELL! super super shagged... n leopard crawl upslope 40m sia... omfg... n the rest of the coy were slacking... they onli trained 2 hrs... we trained for 5hrs... nowonder nobody was in sight... all slacking in camp... kns... den had stand 2... almost fell asleep... lol den ghost walk at nite... saw lotsa fireflies...
day 3
stand 2 again... we actually had to brush teeth! hahaha but never again after that... lol den lecture, went to have a shit in the field... lol quite an experience esp cos the flies are like HUGE!!! n some mofo never cover up his shit... n there was like 50+ flies on that pile of shit man... hahaha nvm den RAIN!!! ZZZZZ learnt tt our barsha was not good enuf to withstand the rain... so got drenched... morale super low... sianz... practiced the same stuff in the mud this time... sianz... but this time with blanks! haha so fun! n once again ran around the campsite... so shagged... dinner den powder bath... n took wierd pics of us all white with powder... like ju-on sia! LOL hahaha den this nite slp in daniel's barsha... but den chris came back from MO... sianz... again 3 ppl in barsha but this time round is 3 smaller sized ppl... unlike my other 2 buddies who r kinda big sized... lol n once again it rained AGAIN at 2am... slp with rifle held up to tighten the top so tt rain wont seep into the groundsheet... somehow managed to keep dry... :P
day 4
stand 2 in mud again... sianz... n its a "clean" set of uni oso lor... den rushed to break camp n fall in... walao... so chaotic... den wait around for tonner to fetch us to FIBUA village for technical break... thank god we have tonner to fetch us around... cos the normal bmt batch will have to route march with FBO to next camp site... not that far la... abt 10k +/- nia... around 10 mins via tonner... :P hahaha so reached FIBUA village den crammed 1 plt in 1 room... walao... look like refugee camp sia... so dark, dusty, humid, hot n stuffy!!! kns... den helped out in setting up cons wire in new campsite... quite fun too! lol den clean rifle... had fresh rations too! i never had a hot meal in 3 days... n somehow it tasted GOOD! lol den had a "bath" using 2 pails of water... in the open plus all the cameras taking pics of us nekkid~~~ lol den dunno wad happen to me... left my rifle un-attended... so kena kapoed by serg yy... kns... so malu... hahaha brain must be shuttin down le... n saw somethin wierd... not gonna say it here... haha den star gazed at nite... it was a wonderful sight... nothing like the sky back in sg... hahaha slp on concrete... something slightly better den the ground... lol
day 5
took a shit in the darkest (pitch black sia) and most smelliest toilet by far... u noe some nutcase shitted in the URINAL!!! YES THE URINAL!!! wtf... the worst toilet i ever been to is not in malaysia anymore sia... its in tekong! hahaha den packed FBO n marched to oil palms plantation... abt 500m away nia... lol den set up barsha TWICE!!! cos sergent not den wait around for our turn for the test on wad we learnt the past few days... rained again... slack in barsha... watch ocs ppl play war games oso... den COA came by... hahaha so many stars wor! on his shoulder tt is... ahaha cooked maggi mee!!! OMG BEST THING EVER!!! hahaha warm food with enough salt to make u have hypernatremia hahahaha den powder bath... wore back same uni as yest... :P just wait... i wore it for 4 days straight... :P hahaha den had guard duty... nothing much la... just saw ocs ppl play wargames again at nite... cos there was a low flare... very nice... orange light... haha must be a trap den they fell for it... lol
day 6
break barsha den did our test... too easy... hahaha cos sergent aragon training was way way tougher than this... lol he was best PT in sispec did u noe? shot LOTSA LOTSA blanks!!! hahaha soooo fun! lol yea so den helped keep up the cons wire... den had the best tonner ride by far! hahaha cos i sat in the front... SHIOK! hahaha esp the bridge part... SO COOL! hahaha n the driver was like colin mcrae sia... lol hahaha den had fresh rations again... shiok sia... den started digging our graves aka shellscrape... lol damn shagged cos must dig with helmet, SBO and rifle sia... kns... somemore must put on camo sia! WTF!!! bluddy shagged but got it done quite fast... just abt 3 hrs or so ba... dig with a ET stick... lemme explain wat that is... its a mini chunk-coal (is tt the rite spelling? ahaha who cares!) yea its like onli a 30cm long stick or so... try digging something that must be so deep that u lie inside prone position n ur ass does not stick up den ur whole body must be straight plus wide enuf for ur rifle to be by ur side... n ur field pack goes behind ur foot... n it must be even deeper such that the top of the field pack is level with your foot during prone position... aiya! its just fucking deep and fucking tiring to dig la! kns... so yeah i dug it quite fast... so den i started on the fire trench... which is even worse! but this time have shovel n a real chunk-coal... but must dig so deep... the chest height of the tallest person in the section... 1.86m... bluddy hell... n abt 2.5m long n 1m wide... FUCKING SHAGGED!!! den had dinner fresh rations again... thank god... n the sky was BEAUTIFUL! just lie there on the grass patch n star gazed... n my fren taught us some of the stars n stuff... hahaha beautiful beautiful... with the cresent moon too! yes... such a sight... onli to be seen in tekong... :D lol yup den slp in our graves tt we dug... quite comfy actually... slp so soundly till next day lol not much insects buggin me cos i used lotsa insect repellant... :P but cant slp with shirt unbuttoned unlike previous nites... :P shhhhh! hahaha
day 7
FINALLY!!! hahaha last day!!! hahaha filled up the grave n fire trench... in 15 mins!!! WTF!!! 5hrs to dig n 15 mins to cover up... SUCKS SIA! hahaha but who cares! lol waited for tonner again... :P this time each section had a tonner for ourselves! hahaha but onli for plt 2... hehe great ride again... cos most of the tonner rides r crammed like a can of sardines... ahahahaha so now onli 11 of us in a tonner... shiok! went to BIC grounds... leopard crawl in sand and stones abt 100m+ sometimes have to back crawl... n theres a GPMG (general purpose machine gun) shooting over ur head... nothing much just lotsa sand in my pants n shirt that ive been wearing for 4 days and underwear... for 2 days... wahahaha den RM 2k back to coy line!!! i couldnt be happier! hahaha nothing can express the joy at that moment of time... finishing all 7 days of field camp... n the RM was like nothing! hahaha the SBO n rifle feels like a part of me already... cos the whole time u gotta wear the SBO, rifle n helmet all around... rifle being the most important of course... tts y they call it ur wife in ns... hahaha back at coy line... cleaned rifle till i almost went mad sia... hahaha somehow its still kinda dirty... cos the blanks have more carbon than live rounds somehow... kns... i shouldnt have shot so many rounds tt day... -_- den had the best shit and bath by far! hahaha packed up everything n BOOKOUT!!! hahaha washed laundry n found a wierd looking thing in one of them... a green looking millipede with huge fangs... wonder where did it come from sia... :S ahahaha!
yep so several things i learn/aquired in field camp...
1. night vision cos its so dark n u r not supposed to use ur torchlight...
2. sleeping in almost any position and anywhere... cos there was like a root on my back n ass for the 1st 2 nites...
3. humans eat warm edible food but u dun need to wash ur hands b4 eating... well tt applies to me la... hahaha
4. humans need showers... or at least a face wash (but u can forgo the brushing teeth part)... something we cant really do... cos our camo is on most of the time n its friggin hard to get rid of... so now my skin is like wierd... n lotsa ppl got heat rash... luckily i dun think i got... no foot rot oso... phew! hahaha
5. the SAF powder is good shit man! hahaha it kept me dry even thou i was hot like hell n running all over the place... not that good in a sense cos im supposed to sweat n let it evaporate to lower my temp... but must drink lotsa lotsa water man...
6. shitting in the open is a great experience... but i wouldnt do it again... hahaha
7. ur mouth is a very useful mixing tool for powdered drinks like milo, pokari sweat n lipton ice lemon tea etc... hahaha just pour some power in ur mouth, drink some water n mix n voila! a nice drink in ur mouth...
8. moving around in wet/2 days old underwear is not that bad if u powder ur balls well enough to make a smoke grenade...
9. use the insect repellant in large amounts... so buy more! n dun be so garang n unbutton ur shirt like me... luckily i got bitten by nothing... i hope...
n lastly 10. ziplock bags can sqeeze much much more than they actually look... n the field pack as well... its just how u fit it in... or squeeze...
1st day
route march with FBO 6.6k to permatang... damn heavy... at least 25kg sia... den reached camp site... set up barsha plus dig drainage... fucking shagged... den had lunch field rations... the pasta was ok la... den had lecture... den cat 1!! haha slack in barsha... :D lecture again den dinner n powder bath... den slp in barsha wif 3 ppl... damn crammed... by rite should be 2 ppl per barsha plus 2 rifles, 2 field packs n 2 sbo... so now its 3 ppl, 3 rifles, 3 field packs n 3 sbos... damn crammed la...
day 2
breakfast... i found a can of tuna... yes tuna! in my pack... lol tuna never tasted this good... lol... den more lectures, n practicals on wad we learnt... so we learnt with our section... with our seccom serg aragon... omg... it was HELL! super super shagged... n leopard crawl upslope 40m sia... omfg... n the rest of the coy were slacking... they onli trained 2 hrs... we trained for 5hrs... nowonder nobody was in sight... all slacking in camp... kns... den had stand 2... almost fell asleep... lol den ghost walk at nite... saw lotsa fireflies...
day 3
stand 2 again... we actually had to brush teeth! hahaha but never again after that... lol den lecture, went to have a shit in the field... lol quite an experience esp cos the flies are like HUGE!!! n some mofo never cover up his shit... n there was like 50+ flies on that pile of shit man... hahaha nvm den RAIN!!! ZZZZZ learnt tt our barsha was not good enuf to withstand the rain... so got drenched... morale super low... sianz... practiced the same stuff in the mud this time... sianz... but this time with blanks! haha so fun! n once again ran around the campsite... so shagged... dinner den powder bath... n took wierd pics of us all white with powder... like ju-on sia! LOL hahaha den this nite slp in daniel's barsha... but den chris came back from MO... sianz... again 3 ppl in barsha but this time round is 3 smaller sized ppl... unlike my other 2 buddies who r kinda big sized... lol n once again it rained AGAIN at 2am... slp with rifle held up to tighten the top so tt rain wont seep into the groundsheet... somehow managed to keep dry... :P
day 4
stand 2 in mud again... sianz... n its a "clean" set of uni oso lor... den rushed to break camp n fall in... walao... so chaotic... den wait around for tonner to fetch us to FIBUA village for technical break... thank god we have tonner to fetch us around... cos the normal bmt batch will have to route march with FBO to next camp site... not that far la... abt 10k +/- nia... around 10 mins via tonner... :P hahaha so reached FIBUA village den crammed 1 plt in 1 room... walao... look like refugee camp sia... so dark, dusty, humid, hot n stuffy!!! kns... den helped out in setting up cons wire in new campsite... quite fun too! lol den clean rifle... had fresh rations too! i never had a hot meal in 3 days... n somehow it tasted GOOD! lol den had a "bath" using 2 pails of water... in the open plus all the cameras taking pics of us nekkid~~~ lol den dunno wad happen to me... left my rifle un-attended... so kena kapoed by serg yy... kns... so malu... hahaha brain must be shuttin down le... n saw somethin wierd... not gonna say it here... haha den star gazed at nite... it was a wonderful sight... nothing like the sky back in sg... hahaha slp on concrete... something slightly better den the ground... lol
day 5
took a shit in the darkest (pitch black sia) and most smelliest toilet by far... u noe some nutcase shitted in the URINAL!!! YES THE URINAL!!! wtf... the worst toilet i ever been to is not in malaysia anymore sia... its in tekong! hahaha den packed FBO n marched to oil palms plantation... abt 500m away nia... lol den set up barsha TWICE!!! cos sergent not den wait around for our turn for the test on wad we learnt the past few days... rained again... slack in barsha... watch ocs ppl play war games oso... den COA came by... hahaha so many stars wor! on his shoulder tt is... ahaha cooked maggi mee!!! OMG BEST THING EVER!!! hahaha warm food with enough salt to make u have hypernatremia hahahaha den powder bath... wore back same uni as yest... :P just wait... i wore it for 4 days straight... :P hahaha den had guard duty... nothing much la... just saw ocs ppl play wargames again at nite... cos there was a low flare... very nice... orange light... haha must be a trap den they fell for it... lol
day 6
break barsha den did our test... too easy... hahaha cos sergent aragon training was way way tougher than this... lol he was best PT in sispec did u noe? shot LOTSA LOTSA blanks!!! hahaha soooo fun! lol yea so den helped keep up the cons wire... den had the best tonner ride by far! hahaha cos i sat in the front... SHIOK! hahaha esp the bridge part... SO COOL! hahaha n the driver was like colin mcrae sia... lol hahaha den had fresh rations again... shiok sia... den started digging our graves aka shellscrape... lol damn shagged cos must dig with helmet, SBO and rifle sia... kns... somemore must put on camo sia! WTF!!! bluddy shagged but got it done quite fast... just abt 3 hrs or so ba... dig with a ET stick... lemme explain wat that is... its a mini chunk-coal (is tt the rite spelling? ahaha who cares!) yea its like onli a 30cm long stick or so... try digging something that must be so deep that u lie inside prone position n ur ass does not stick up den ur whole body must be straight plus wide enuf for ur rifle to be by ur side... n ur field pack goes behind ur foot... n it must be even deeper such that the top of the field pack is level with your foot during prone position... aiya! its just fucking deep and fucking tiring to dig la! kns... so yeah i dug it quite fast... so den i started on the fire trench... which is even worse! but this time have shovel n a real chunk-coal... but must dig so deep... the chest height of the tallest person in the section... 1.86m... bluddy hell... n abt 2.5m long n 1m wide... FUCKING SHAGGED!!! den had dinner fresh rations again... thank god... n the sky was BEAUTIFUL! just lie there on the grass patch n star gazed... n my fren taught us some of the stars n stuff... hahaha beautiful beautiful... with the cresent moon too! yes... such a sight... onli to be seen in tekong... :D lol yup den slp in our graves tt we dug... quite comfy actually... slp so soundly till next day lol not much insects buggin me cos i used lotsa insect repellant... :P but cant slp with shirt unbuttoned unlike previous nites... :P shhhhh! hahaha
day 7
FINALLY!!! hahaha last day!!! hahaha filled up the grave n fire trench... in 15 mins!!! WTF!!! 5hrs to dig n 15 mins to cover up... SUCKS SIA! hahaha but who cares! lol waited for tonner again... :P this time each section had a tonner for ourselves! hahaha but onli for plt 2... hehe great ride again... cos most of the tonner rides r crammed like a can of sardines... ahahahaha so now onli 11 of us in a tonner... shiok! went to BIC grounds... leopard crawl in sand and stones abt 100m+ sometimes have to back crawl... n theres a GPMG (general purpose machine gun) shooting over ur head... nothing much just lotsa sand in my pants n shirt that ive been wearing for 4 days and underwear... for 2 days... wahahaha den RM 2k back to coy line!!! i couldnt be happier! hahaha nothing can express the joy at that moment of time... finishing all 7 days of field camp... n the RM was like nothing! hahaha the SBO n rifle feels like a part of me already... cos the whole time u gotta wear the SBO, rifle n helmet all around... rifle being the most important of course... tts y they call it ur wife in ns... hahaha back at coy line... cleaned rifle till i almost went mad sia... hahaha somehow its still kinda dirty... cos the blanks have more carbon than live rounds somehow... kns... i shouldnt have shot so many rounds tt day... -_- den had the best shit and bath by far! hahaha packed up everything n BOOKOUT!!! hahaha washed laundry n found a wierd looking thing in one of them... a green looking millipede with huge fangs... wonder where did it come from sia... :S ahahaha!
yep so several things i learn/aquired in field camp...
1. night vision cos its so dark n u r not supposed to use ur torchlight...
2. sleeping in almost any position and anywhere... cos there was like a root on my back n ass for the 1st 2 nites...
3. humans eat warm edible food but u dun need to wash ur hands b4 eating... well tt applies to me la... hahaha
4. humans need showers... or at least a face wash (but u can forgo the brushing teeth part)... something we cant really do... cos our camo is on most of the time n its friggin hard to get rid of... so now my skin is like wierd... n lotsa ppl got heat rash... luckily i dun think i got... no foot rot oso... phew! hahaha
5. the SAF powder is good shit man! hahaha it kept me dry even thou i was hot like hell n running all over the place... not that good in a sense cos im supposed to sweat n let it evaporate to lower my temp... but must drink lotsa lotsa water man...
6. shitting in the open is a great experience... but i wouldnt do it again... hahaha
7. ur mouth is a very useful mixing tool for powdered drinks like milo, pokari sweat n lipton ice lemon tea etc... hahaha just pour some power in ur mouth, drink some water n mix n voila! a nice drink in ur mouth...
8. moving around in wet/2 days old underwear is not that bad if u powder ur balls well enough to make a smoke grenade...
9. use the insect repellant in large amounts... so buy more! n dun be so garang n unbutton ur shirt like me... luckily i got bitten by nothing... i hope...
n lastly 10. ziplock bags can sqeeze much much more than they actually look... n the field pack as well... its just how u fit it in... or squeeze...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006













almost the whole gang at the new cls block... missing md... OOT in ninja coy le... :(


s. soh n the gang at the "empty space" at the staff room area... LOL perfect to take pics...
YEAH! bookout for grad!!! happy happy happy... :D dressed up really nice... :P haha plus a blazer too! lol after the grad, i took lotsa pics! haha even with miss yee! droolz :D :D :D hahaha and lotsa pics with our gang of course... lol long time never see them le... haha everyone looks different... esp me... cos im botak :S haha anyways went to cine and had pastamania for lunch... spilled a glass of italian soda too! LOL n watched superman... kinda draggy but overall quite nice to watch... den rushed off to SFT... missed the 730 fast craft... so had to wait for the 830 one... :S luckily never got fucked by the COS... lol
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
YAY! so happy today... cos yesterday i went for live range... scary at first... shot 3 mags of 4 rounds for zeroing... damn scared cos im a leftie... den the empty rounds deflected off the deflector (onli for lefties) and landed on my arm... n the round is hot one... so like yea i was kinda nervous during the zeroing... and theres much more recoil than IMT and much much louder... plus the added stress of your commander sitting there watching ur every move... AND the different types of IA that can happen to u anytime anywhere... yea so after zeroing i went for my day shoot test... all snap targets so i prayed hard that i didnt have any IAs cos its bad news in snap targets... so i scored 14/16... kinda good i think... :P
then sucked thumb till the whole place was pitch black with just the half-moon lighting the whole place... surprisingly moonlight is kinda nice... and romantic too! hahaha yea so night shoot test... haha now super confident and i shut off the fear of the rounds landing on my arm... got used to the sound and recoil... till it resembled the IMT recoil... hahahaha yea so night shooting was fun cos of the tracer round... makes it look like star wars n if u hit the target it'll light up such that it looks like a firework display! hahahaha yea but the blinking target was friggin dim... n luckily its OTOT cos i had a couple of IAs... including a doouble feeding... O_O scary! cos theres always a chance of chamber explosion n u'll lose ur face and hand in the process :S :S :S to make things worse... im the onli man in the last detail... AKA lone ranger shooting... O_O hahahaha almost forgot abt me also sia...
yup so after the shoot, the sergent announced that i was a marksman! WOOHOO!!! SO HAPPY! i think marksman is 28/32 shots... so i musta missed abt 2 during night shoot then... :P still im happy... though not company best shot... hahaha
so today is super slack... slp in bunk whole day... did some static exercises n packed my bag... had a friggin long shower and even had time to floss my teeth etc... hahaha so my family came to pick me up... really happy to see them... esp my sis... hahaha shes such a joy to play around with...
then sucked thumb till the whole place was pitch black with just the half-moon lighting the whole place... surprisingly moonlight is kinda nice... and romantic too! hahaha yea so night shoot test... haha now super confident and i shut off the fear of the rounds landing on my arm... got used to the sound and recoil... till it resembled the IMT recoil... hahahaha yea so night shooting was fun cos of the tracer round... makes it look like star wars n if u hit the target it'll light up such that it looks like a firework display! hahahaha yea but the blinking target was friggin dim... n luckily its OTOT cos i had a couple of IAs... including a doouble feeding... O_O scary! cos theres always a chance of chamber explosion n u'll lose ur face and hand in the process :S :S :S to make things worse... im the onli man in the last detail... AKA lone ranger shooting... O_O hahahaha almost forgot abt me also sia...
yup so after the shoot, the sergent announced that i was a marksman! WOOHOO!!! SO HAPPY! i think marksman is 28/32 shots... so i musta missed abt 2 during night shoot then... :P still im happy... though not company best shot... hahaha
so today is super slack... slp in bunk whole day... did some static exercises n packed my bag... had a friggin long shower and even had time to floss my teeth etc... hahaha so my family came to pick me up... really happy to see them... esp my sis... hahaha shes such a joy to play around with...
Sunday, July 02, 2006
SIANZ!!! booking in sux sia... anyways went shopping again hehe went to wisma wanting to buy tt quiksilver shirt... fits but its last piece... zzz so went to heeren n bought a pair of levis jeans... :D n bought my sis a pair of earrings too... haha den had dinner at taka crystal jade la mian... :P den rushed off to book in... -_-zzz
HAHAHA! i finally went shopping today... lol bought 2 t-shirts at wisma's flesh imp... wanted to buy them last week but cos i was gonna book in on that day so i didnt buy it in the end... somehow i fit into the "S" sized ones... hahaha n saw a really nice quiksilver long sleeved shirt... so gian to buy... lol den went for dinner with jz n nel at billy bommers... den walked to "The Labyrinth" to play pool... haha somehow i think i got better... :D use the foxhole position to take aim... hahahaha
went to watch england vs portugal aka media hyped team vs dark horse at breko cafe... had fries, corona extra and a bottle of snapple... hr joined us at 1/2 time... guess wad! hr n i have the same 4D no... 2412! ahahahaha so qiao sia! talked alot of army shit too... he can strip his M16 in 22 sec... lalalala 18 sec is like friggin fast lor... haha oh wells eng is out now... wonderful isnt it? hahaha another repeat of the euros... haha n its my 1st world cup match that i watched ever since it kicked off n my 1st time signing for the bill... :P
went to watch england vs portugal aka media hyped team vs dark horse at breko cafe... had fries, corona extra and a bottle of snapple... hr joined us at 1/2 time... guess wad! hr n i have the same 4D no... 2412! ahahahaha so qiao sia! talked alot of army shit too... he can strip his M16 in 22 sec... lalalala 18 sec is like friggin fast lor... haha oh wells eng is out now... wonderful isnt it? hahaha another repeat of the euros... haha n its my 1st world cup match that i watched ever since it kicked off n my 1st time signing for the bill... :P
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