Saturday, February 24, 2007

All About Pisces
Pisces can be a bit of a mystery -- a delightful, unsolvable riddle that never fails to keep us guessing. Those born under this sign enjoy a magical ability to fit into any situation easily, to mix and mingle with all kinds of people and then retreat to the sidelines whenever they feel the urge. In fact, those who spend much time with them might wonder if Pisceans are actually capable of shape-shifting and mind reading. The Fish also possess uncanny intuition -- which is no surprise, with Neptune, the mistress of altered states, as their planetary ruler. Neptune's specialty is dissolving boundaries, and she's shared that gift with the Piscean crowd. These folks can get lost in a movie, a magical moment or a fantasy, leaving the harshness of reality behind whenever the need arises.
As all you Fish out there can attest, Pisces is also the most emotional of the signs. Since there are no boundaries between you and the world around you, you often feel everything -- absolutely everything. Differentiating between what you feel and what someone else is feeling, especially someone you care about, is your greatest challenge. You likely learned early on to 'escape' in one way or another and can become a regular Houdini when you need to be. Just be sure you're not gone too long when you take your much-needed vacations from the world. We're all happier when you're here with us -- so do hurry back!
When it comes to relationships, if Pisces is involved, Pisces is involved. Period. No two ways about it. These folks will literally fire walk for their dear ones -- and would try walking on water for them, too, if they thought they could manage it. Pisceans are better at long-term relationships than a lot of us, and much, much better at keeping the romance alive with little things: hand-delivering a single red rose, ordering one dessert with two spoons and never, ever forgetting a special occasion. The main romantic challenge for this sign is to learn that putting a special someone on a pedestal can mean only one thing: They've got to come down eventually. So stand next to your partner proudly, Pisces, and love them because of, not in spite of, their faults. And never go against your instincts. They will never lead you astray.

Your Starcast for February 18-March 19
The astrological month open with a blast of emotional intensity (even more so with the Sun's move into touchy Pisces) as lovely Venus squares can't-hold-still Pluto, urging you to go after your true desires -- and let go of the people, places and things no longer serve you. Add to that the lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 3, and you'll be forced to deal with any and all health issues -- both spiritual and physical. If you didn't live up to the New Year's resolutions you made back in January, the Chinese New Year gives you another chance to get yourself in gear. And if that's not enough to get you motivated, Mercury goes direct on March 7, giving you the cosmic courage to charge full-steam ahead!
February 19: Venus square Pluto
You know all the intensity that's been going on in your relationships? There's more here. Venus in sensitive, romantic Pisces can sometimes put rose-colored glasses on our outlook. Those shades come off now as Pluto's confrontation with Venus in this square makes you aware of what you can and can't control when it comes to relationships. Something needs to be released. Determine what you need to let go of. Is it a person or simply old beliefs that don't serve you anymore? It's time to transform your relationship values to reflect the person you are today.
February 21: Venus enters Aries
As the planet of love enters this highly active fire sign, it's time for you to get off the couch, turn off your computer and go out and do something! Looking for a mate? Try signing up for competitive sports: Racket ball, tennis or even getting into the batting cage are all fabulous ways to meet someone now. For those already with someone, keep in mind that Aries is the mythological god of war. This time can spark your passion; to fan those flames, choose an activity and get out of the house. Otherwise, you may turn your beady eyes on each other -- and that's probably not a good idea!
February 22: Mercury conjunct Sun
When retrograding Mercury connects with the Sun, you return to conversations that offer valuable information -- but it's not time to act on that data. For now, store it away. You'll be able to use it next month after Mercury turns direct on March 8. This conjunction takes place in Pisces, giving you a great opportunity to tune into the non-logical mind. Use your imagination and intuition to help you find solutions to big questions. Sometimes the answers are in the least likely places. Be open to that now.
February 25: Mars enters Aquarius
As action-oriented Mars leaves pragmatic, let's-climb-a-mountain Capricorn and enters one of the most independent signs of the zodiac, it's time for you to get creative, innovative and start coloring outside the lines. If you can harness the assertive energy of Mars and the determination of this fixed air sign, you can make inroads into areas you never thought possible.
February 27: Mercury enters Aquarius
As retrograding Mercury, the planet of communication, re-enters altruistic Aquarius on February 27, you are returning to old conversations and ideas. Leaving behind the emotionalism of Pisces for now, you have the opportunity in this innovative air sign to develop your ideas and to return to conversations with those who can help you. If you know which house Mercury is traveling through in your chart, you can apply those ideas to that area of your life.
February 28: Saturn opposes Neptune
In this opposition, realistic Saturn is challenging idealistic Neptune to put in the hard work so that you can manifest your dreams. Last year on August 31, the first of three oppositions took place. Back then you had a chance to assess your life and see where necessary changes needed to occur. Letting go of fantasies is a part of this period. At this second pass, take time to step back and analyze what it is that you need to do to move yourself forward and live the life of your dreams. Have you left your fantasy life behind? Watch out for denial. This is still the middle of the process though so don't expect changes overnight! The third of this opposition series takes place on June 25 this year, when you will begin to get your ducks in a row.
March 3: Virgo lunar eclipse
Over the past year with eclipses occurring in the axis of Virgo and Pisces, the signs of physical and spiritual health, you and the world are focusing on becoming healthier. Issues of food and water purity, exercise, the medical system and the environment are all receiving attention. Uranus' influence on this eclipse clearly signals that it's time to institute major changes. Lunar eclipses are like an extra-intense full Moon, which is an emotional high-tide time when you can assess where you are emotionally. In the days following this Moon but before the next new Moon on March 19 -- which is a solar eclipse -- get a plan together to improve your body, mind and spirit. Invest in what's working or make changes that will make you feel more comfortable. Apply yourself to a goal, a project, a dream. This is a serious Moon that stimulates you to accomplish your goals. Analyze, plan, get organized and implement!
This full Moon will most affect those born March 1-5, June 2-6, September 4-8 and December 4-8.
March 5: Sun conjunct Uranus
Are you ready to be liberated? Or is your life so fabulous that it couldn't benefit from something new and different? As the Sun travels through Pisces and meets up with eccentric Uranus, change is in the air. Conjunctions mark beginnings, and it's time for a new cycle. Surprises will occur, but know that this is appropriate for you now. It's time to reinvent yourself and leave behind old concepts that have nothing to do with you anymore.
March 7: Mercury turns direct
As Mercury ends its retrograde in Aquarius, it's time to incorporate everything you've learned since Mercury turned retrograde in Pisces on February 14. As this communication planet has traveled from a sensitive water sign back into a logical air sign, it'll be necessary to go back to old conversations with a more detached perspective. At times you may have felt that you were straddling two worlds: the emotions of your heart and the intellectual perspective of your mind. Now, however, with Mercury direct you can confidently implement the changes that you desire.
March 8: Venus trine Jupiter; March 9: Venus trine Saturn
Lovely Venus in feisty Aries forms a grand trine with enthusiastic Jupiter and serious Saturn -- providing a wealth of support! This is a great aspect for socializing and for advancing your personal and business relationships. Saturn provides stability, so you can go out on a limb and not risk falling. It seems like everybody loves you now, so take advantage of the goodwill.
March 9: Sun square Jupiter
Feeling misunderstood? Sometimes you can't fathom the world and the world can't fathom you. The Sun in sensitive Pisces wants to connect on an emotional level. Jupiter in Sagittarius is like an enthusiastic, well-meaning bull in a china shop. This is a highly optimistic square that is prone to overcommitment. Yet, at the same time, sometimes you need that over-the-top enthusiasm to accomplish things you wouldn't dream of otherwise.
March 16: Jupiter trine Saturn
This week, expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius is wildly optimistic, while restrictive Saturn in Leo has leadership capabilities and a great sense of authority. When these two are in harmony -- as they are with this trine aspect -- you'll experience balance in your social and financial lives. You should have a solid sense of where you are and what you want to improve in your life.
March 17: Venus enters Taurus
The planet of relationship in the sign of values brings an emphasis on the nuts and bolts of your relationships, and on your financial life. This is a great time to assess how you handle your money -- no matter if it's with your partner, your child or your accountant. Your monetary situation deserves thoughtful consideration now. March 18: Mercury enters Pisces
Mercury reenters Pisces, settling down into the sign where its last retrograde began on February 14. The power of your imagination during this transit will help you dream up ideas you hadn't previously considered. After Mercury's recent review, your ideals now seem sensible. It is time to think through how you can make everything come true.
March 18: Pisces solar eclipse
When eclipses occur, dramatic events are abundant. This solar eclipse in Pisces signals the importance of your spiritual life, making this a great time to take a retreat or simply set aside time to be more contemplative. A solar eclipse means a new Moon as well, and that always marks a new cycle. Keep in mind that Pisces rules secrets -- and when highlighted, can also reveal them. Pluto is in a tight square to this eclipse, as it's about to turn retrograde later this month. When Pluto is prominent, something has to be let go; this could be a person, a job or a deeply held belief.
This new Moon will most affect those born March 16-20, June 18-22, September 19-23 and December 18-22.
Enjoy the Sun's transit in Pisces!

Astrolesson: The Chinese Elements

Yes, the Year of the Pig is upon us, but remember, it's not just the Pig -- it's the Fire Pig! The Fire Pig is more like a wild boar than its placid, barnyard brother. With Fire as the ruling element of 2007, the dynamics of the days ahead will be greatly influenced by this intense, spark-filled energy.
The Chinese five-elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water) theory dates back over 2,000 years. Perhaps the earliest integration of the five elements into Chinese thought comes with their association with the five directions. Characteristics of the five directions lend themselves to those of the five elements. The points and elements are matched as follows:
East -- Wood
South -- Fire
Center -- Earth
West -- Metal
North -- Water
These also dovetail into an association with the seasons that also dates back over 2,000 years. The five seasons and their corresponding elements are:
Spring -- Wood
Summer -- Fire
Middle Season -- Earth
Autumn -- Metal
Winter -- Water
In China, the summer is a time of heat -- hence Fire. With heat, there is plenty of action -- physical and mental -- but there can also be stress (summer can bring fires and drought). On the other hand, life is generally easier during times of warm weather and plentiful food, so there is also an association with relaxation and, nowadays, vacations.
New plant growth tends to happen in the spring, so that is the time ruled by Wood. Metal is connected with fall, as that is the time metal tools are used to bring in the harvest. Earth has been assigned to a fifth season, which occurs during what in western cultures would be considered late summer/early autumn. Rains generally come to China in winter, hence that season's association with Water. The seasons continue year after year in a predictable cycle, and seasonality recalls a very important aspect of Chinese thought: cyclicality.
The most basic procedure for dividing a person's life into periods follows the cyclical five-element pattern and, thus, with the changing of the seasons. Birth -- the period of new growth -- is governed by Wood, as is spring. Youth is the Fire time -- a time when children are very active and begin developing their mental capabilities and testing the limits of acceptable behavior. This time is associated with summer. As the early years represent the hot time, the later years bring the cold time. Earth is the time of reaching maturity, the time of crossing the bridge from youth to adulthood. During this middle season period, a person identifies with the practical needs of job and family and arrives at a measure of self-understanding. Metal rules midlife, a time to harvest the fruits of previous education and present labors; as is the case with fall. Then there is Water, the element associated with retirement and with winter. This is not the end, however, as the cycle begins again. When a person turns 60 (an important birthday in China) the Wood time begins again.
When the elements follow in order (Wood -- Fire -- Earth -- Metal -- Water), there is harmony and, thus, a constructive cycle. For example, Water makes Wood grow, and Wood fuels Fire. In a destructive cycle (Water -- Fire -- Metal -- Wood -- Earth) there is disharmony. Water puts out Fire, and Metal destroys (chops) Wood. This has many implications in Chinese astrology. Each of the five periods of life is governed by an element. If that element is in harmony with the natural element of the time, the person will have a favorable chart. For instance, as birth is the natural time of Wood, Water is the best element to have in a chart at that time. Conversely, if a person's birth element is Metal, they could be in for a challenging life.
The elements are also crucial in relationship dynamics. For example, according to Chinese astrology, a person born in the year of the Sheep is extremely compatible with a Pig partner. But what happens if the Sheep was born in a Water year and the Pig was born in a Fire year? Are they compatible? In Chinese, the characters for Water and Fire together spell disaster!

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