Sunday, April 22, 2007


man... im nuts... this week has been boring... lesson based all the way... anyhows booked out on fri then went out with my bunkmates to ps to watch smoking aces... action packed show with no storyline or should i say a screwed up storyline... haha just like my life prolly cos of some screwed up specialisation... i didnt even chose that as my 1st choice! its my 4th n last choice lor... nvm commissioning soon thou... which im quite glad about... and anxious to find a date for comms ball dinner... someone really special perhaps... cos its like $320 per couple so my date has to really be someone really special hahaha and god is still not answering my prayers thou... oh wells hope my posing is an 8-5 sia... oh wells then sat went to watch shooter with myloh... caught up with him abit too... being MIA for 3+ weeks actually 4 makes me miss out on lotsa stuff going on around here... nice show thou... lots of gore n army shit... haha then today went to cine and watch wild hogs with the guys. met peck har at heeren too. wow ppl look really different in civilian clothes... haha yeah so they were celebrating the recent SOC passes yeah... wild hogs was a friggin funny movie... something i needed, a good laugh, hahaha yeah then nel had to go shop for some stuff cos hes the store ic... lol sai kang king... :P then had dinner n now waitin to book in... wonder whats in store for next week...

April 21, 2007

Practice makes perfect, but there's absolutely no fun in perfection. Discovery, exploration and making mistakes -- that's where all the joy in life comes from. Give yourself room to trip, stumble and fall right now.

Your creativity is in full bloom right now, so take advantage of it by adding sophistication to your wardrobe, your home decor or an upcoming social event. Put your special stamp on everything, with no apologies. Let your imagination drive every one of your daily activities today, and indulge any whims that you may have. This type of spontaneity will help you stay positive and have a lot more fun with some people you see frequently.

Sleep in or lounge around if at all possible this morning -- not that you'll need any extra beauty rest with the stuff the stars are sending later in the day. You're hot and everybody knows it, especially tonight!

You've come to think of those sitcom characters as your friends, which is how you can tell you watch way too much TV -- your obsession is also a pretty good barometer for how pathetic your life has gotten.

April 22, 2007

Challenges with others are almost always a reflection of a deeper internal issue. Examine what's been going on in your relationships and figure out how they correlate to the undiscovered parts of your psyche.

Try to immerse yourself in music today, as it will enliven the humdrum everyday world that surrounds you. If possible, put on your headphones if you must be among large, anonymous crowds of people today. You need your imagination to be stimulated, and good music will help. Specifically, you should choose music that affects your emotions, and songs that feature lyrics about love and affection. Pay attention to the way they make you feel.
You're getting some extra appreciation at the moment and it's for very good reason -- you're extra charming, extra entertaining and all around extra great. Get out and about and enjoy your sweet self!

The best way to fix a bruised relationship is to stick it out. Sure you could leave, but when it's all said and done, you'll just end up with an unknown set of problems -- at least you know what you're dealing with now.

The Fool card affirms that my alter ego today is a Quantam Leaper with a hero's heart. My superpower is liberated by free will and trust, which lead me to explore simple speculations for their own sake. I can move beyond the fear factor. I don't know where I'm going, and I don't care where I've been. I only know that, as the hero of my own story, it's for me to find out. For, like Alice, I'm on the verge of stepping into a rabbit hole; unless I stop short and play it safe, I'll know soon enough where following my own feet has landed me on this curious venture. The blissful frailty of unwritten conclusions and unguarded access sweetens the desire. So despite familiar warnings, irresistible promise draws my eyes wide open and away from domestic comfort zones, with only certain inquiry, hope and faith to recommend my course. I'll never know until I try.

The Five of Chalices card reversed suggests that there is a chance that you're not being honest with yourself. It's time you dealt with unresolved issues, deep fears or unfinished business, which, like a silent undercurrent or an unbridged gap in your heart, could be affecting intimacy in your relationship or love life. Staying busy, turning to familiar comforts or resorting to compulsive behavior could be covering up denial, suffering, stagnation or heartache. Genuinely come to terms with the truth by confronting or forgiving your own role in whatever it is you regret so that you can let go, move on and become more open to romance. There is a safe harbor of support and security available to you, but you might need to seek it out. Recovery and healing are inner work and can begin only after there has been acknowledgement of the hurts that have occurred.

April 23, 2007

There's nothing more irritating than a missed opportunity, but never fear. Just because you had other things on your mind doesn't mean you've lost out on the main chance. This situation will come around again.

Does it seem as though someone in your life is running hot one minute and cold the next? One day you're this person's new best friend -- and then the next day he or she isn't quite sure what your name is! It's no wonder you're feeling confused. You may need to remove yourself from this bizarre situation. Let go of the desire to figure this person out -- the solution to this puzzle will likely be rather disappointing (or at least anticlimactic).

Getting something romantic started is definitely favored by the stars through most of the day, so get an online flirtation under way or just make somebody's real-time day. By tonight, your energy's more low-key.

Today your mood ring turns black the second you slip it on your finger. The trend will continue when your presence brings a dark-as-coal foreboding into every room you enter today. Stay home

04/23/2007 - 04/29/2007

Monday looks busy, so make a plan and stick to it -- and include sensible eating and exercising for energy. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, know the difference between looking thoughtfully at a situation and overanalyzing it (the latter can lead to not-very-helpful paralysis). From Thursday through sometime Saturday, life can improve by leaps and bounds -- just balance intellect and instinct, and choose your path. As far as the rest of the weekend, plan some low-key, relaxing activities with some low-key, relaxed people.

You have a new fitness plan, and it already seems to be doing wonders for you -- you feel good, you look great -- but others might not necessarily want to hear all about it. Monday though Wednesday, watch for people's eyes glossing over while you're talking to them, and take the hint. Thursday and Friday hold the most possibility of romance this week. Relationships are a major theme. If you and you-know-who are trying to weigh your next step, don't get mired down in facts. Go with how you feel. The weekend is about starting fresh.

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