Saturday, June 02, 2007


YAY! 1 yr anniversary in army lo! hahaha 1 more yr to ORD... =( haha so i've gained lots of new friends but mostly are like on-the-surface kinda friends, lost several good friends as well, constantly going in and out of depression, got my heart broken (or should i say nearly) once, learnt lots of vulgarities and army knowledge, forgot all about my studies, watched tons of movies, spent tons on cab fare as well... hahaha the list just goes on... oh wells thats 1 yr down 1 more yr to go... =(

haha so last nite we had ACPC... finally got my long awaited sword lo! hahaha SWORD FIGHT! =X jkjk not gonna be like bryan wong the actor... hahaha long story... then had a very stressful fine dining dinner... lol and then a drinking session at the cadet's mess... the OCS spirit... a bloody strong mix of alcoholic drinks... BLEA~ bad taste sia... hahaha yeah then today we had parade rehearsals again... 1/2 day... then had to stay back to polish boots -_- hahaha then BOOKOUT LO! hahaha went to watch shrek 3 with hr, nel, jay n heman... nel got back from brunei baby! ahahaha must salute him one sia... got the JCC badge lo... power... yeah shrek 3 is really funny sia... hahaha go watch it if u can... hehe

June 02, 2007

Ever eaten an unripe piece of fruit? Gross! Now remember that feeling before you try and make a situation happen before all the elements are in place. Bide your time and keep testing for ripeness and you'll be a happy camper.

Helping other people will be much easier than you think today -- and it won't require that you get too involved in their lives. Just by going about your daily routine, you'll be helping others complete their daily tasks more efficiently. They are relying on you to keep doing what you do, and not pay any special attention to them. Overt attempts to provide assistance could make some people feel self-conscious. So give them their space and try not to hover.

Too shy to talk to that cutie across that crowded room? This is when a good wingperson (or two) can come in handy. Let them boost your confidence, let them go suss out this person's situation -- let them work for you!

June 03, 2007

Does the end justify the means? That's a question only you can answer. The stars give you some gray areas to work with. Not to worry -- you're more than capable of deciding whether this situation is black or white.

Are you just a little bit bored with your life right now? If you are ready for a new adventure, then step up and take control of the unchallenging situation that you're currently in. Your leadership capabilities have never been stronger, and it will be extremely easy to tap into the positive attitudes of nearby people who can help you point your life in a different direction. Just by adding some fresh scenery to your day, you will gain all the excitement you need.

Asking someone to set you up may feel funny, but chances are the people you know and adore have friends who just might fit your personal bill. Start a conversation about singledom, and work around to it.

06/04/2007 - 06/10/2007

Why be a martyr on Monday when a friend or coworker's happy to help? If you feel funny asking, arrange for a mutually beneficial trade. Around Tuesday and Wednesday, fuse your imagination and your intellectual side for amazing results. Some free-form thought might give rise to surprising next steps for your relationship, career or life at large. Be glad you're you on Thursday and Friday, and be ready for additional appreciation from those around you, too. You're just extra great (and extra hot) now. This weekend, get to the bottom of a puzzling situation.

You need to make the first move or suggest the day's activity on Monday, but soon you settle into your normal give-and-take. Midweek brings a static to the air that makes it hard to focus, so try to beg off if someone wants to engage you in deep or emotional conversation -- you don't want to be seen as distracted! Your good energy surges later in the week and you're inspired to do something nice for yourself. If you're lucky, that inspiration will hit others. Match your life to your dreams this weekend and work to bring them closer together.

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