Sunday, August 12, 2007


sat. me jay heman n jz went to watch rush hour 3 at PS. nel couldnt come so we had 1 tix extra... oh well nvm la... but it was one hellova funny show! hahaha too bad no chio bu... lol

sun. met malcolm on the bus to town... hahaha somehow something told me to get on that 174 bus instead of the 171 and voila i ended up catching up with malcolm! haha yeah so i went to wheelock and had lunch at fish n co with my primary school classmates. only amanda, jasmine, yi qian, sinca, lily and josephine came. hahaha its been like forever since i last saw them... everyone changed one way or another sia... yeah so we chatted for quite some time before taking pics then walked over to tcc at lido for dessert and drinks and more chat. haha and once again me n amanda went for each other's throats as where we left off during than thike's dinner gathering... hahaha oh well it was really fun to see and hear from everyone... though i kept on forgetting who was who and especially where each of us sat during class... hahaha i told u we need to bring the yrbook for each of the gatherings! hahaha

August 12, 2007

Everyone's got an opinion today, and you're certainly no exception. The thing is, while everyone else is busy telling the world how they feel, you'd rather keep to yourself for the time being.

It might feel as though you're not quite living in reality today -- the universe is sending you a lot of fantastic energy, which will definitely be a welcome (and very entertaining) thing. However, whenever your daily routine is put on its ear, you have to expect a period of mild discomfort. Luckily, by the middle of the day, you should be well into the groove of the whimsical nature of the day and at ease with the unusual (if not downright odd) activities going on all around you.

Beware of a tendency to go off into your own little world -- it's lovely there, sure, but you might miss something sweet here on earth! Get physically active to fully inhabit your body and mind (and feel great, too).

August 13, 2007

You're in a good position to take care of your family and romantic relationships -- if they need any care, that is! It could just be a good time to take stock and appreciate what you've got in your life.

Someone will reveal themselves to be not quite who you thought they were today, when you happen to hear an unedited comment. You don't like what you hear, and it's hard to reconcile their statement with how they promote themselves. Ask yourself whom you're really dealing with right now. It's time for you to take a step back from the situation you're in and wait a little bit longer before you commit any more time and energy to someone who, at the very least, can't be consistently real.

Keep the drama to a minimum this morning -- tell a funny story instead of a personal one and resist the impulse to pass on the latest gossip. This afternoon, you can find a lovely way to improve your love karma.

08/13/2007 - 08/19/2007

You're usually so accepting, but as the week begins, you're looking at everyone and everything with a very critical eye. It's a good thing and likely to be very productive, but do be tactful about sharing your sharp findings. Money's likely to be a big deal around Thursday and Friday, and you should be neither a borrower nor a lender. Work out a budget and help a friend do the same, rather than handing out money or a loan. As for the weekend, trust is a must. If you're not feeling it, own up to it; if you are, things can definitely go far.

You're all about your relationships early this week, and that includes more than just romance. Of course, you may want to pay a little extra attention to your date or sweetie, because you should get the clue you've been waiting for regarding what to do next. If you've been seeing someone for a while, small problems might pop up on Thursday or Friday that seem considerably worse than they really are. Ride them out and let yourself enjoy the burst of good energy that comes with the weekend. Let the other person make all the big decisions for now.

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