Thursday, August 14, 2008


sat was national day... went out with darling to ikea for lunch... walked around ikea cos darling wanted to buy a box to keep her stuff... couldnt find a nice design that she liked... haha... then after that we walked over to anchorpoint for some shopping... anchorpoint has a few "outlet" shops so its good for budget shopping... haha yeah so after that we went to city hall and had early dinner at soup spoon... then we walked over to marina square and squeezed through the crowd just to get a decent spot to watch the F16 fly around and to watch the fireworks... gahmen give free show must watch ma... hahaha yeah it was quite nice i would say... so after that we made our way to esplanade... should i say TRIED to make our way there... cos it was friggin blocked off thanks to the road block... wtf... like the whole esplanade was isolated la! idiotic planners... dunno what are they thinking... tried all methods to go to the esplanade la... NB... ended up walking for a whole hour and back to the same spot... so we gave up and went back to the mrt station instead... send her home then luckily managed to catch the last bus back home...

sunday went to centrepoint to buy some winter clothes for UK... then as we were going back to the car park, we saw this shop selling ladies shoes... 70% off storewide... WTF its like 100 times worse than my room la! hahaha i wonder how to find ur size sia...

monday went to AMK hub to watch journey to the centre of the earth with my brother and sister and darling... my parents went to watch money no enough 2... wow the crowd was CRAZY!!! omg... luckily we had the UOB platimun card so can cut the queue abit... man... watching movies at the heartlands is a crazy thing to do... worse still is its kinda like a public holiday too... oh wells the movie was quite nice... just alot of CG thou... so after that we had dinner at ichiban boshi then after that we drove darling back home before heading home as well...

tuesday darling came over to my place and studied for her FTT then yesterday i went over her place also to help her out with her FTT...

haha yeah so today is our 6th month... and today darling has fallen sick... down with a sore throat... but still she went for her FTT... and she passed! i'm so happy for u darling! so after that we had lunch nearby then went back to her place cos she was still sick... darling did some facial on me and then played dai dee for awhile before i headed back home for dinner...

anyways just a notice that i'll be having a farewell BBQ party on the 13th of September 6pm at 118 pasir ris road... its opposite pasir ris park... take bus 403 from pasir ris bus interchange and stop at the bus stop opposite unit 104... yeah so msg me early if ur coming ya... got to prep man...

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