Monday, July 09, 2007


COOL! my 1st time as DO... haha nothing much to do just go around n check stuff and send some reports... haha oh well tmr im conducting range... haha sounds kinda fun... :P

July 10, 2007

Would it have made a difference? Could you have changed the outcome somehow? The real question is, why are you punishing yourself? What's done is done. Whatever happened is over. Now deal with the present.

Have you been playing a never-ending game of phone tag with a friend? It's time for this game to end! You both are quite busy, although neither of you is too busy to make time for each other. Make planning a date with your friend your top priority today. Keep calling or emailing until you get the plans nailed down, and don't give up. Making this time can be tough, but it is too important not to keep trying. Relationships take work, but they are worth the effort!

A little twist on the norm makes you a standout now. Whatever you do (or say), make it a bit unpredictable. Ask a question they're not expecting. Show you're paying attention in funny ways

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